Ntambo School
Ntambo School was started way back in 1929. It is a zonal or "Mother School" taking children from age 5 to 16 years old. It has recently been upgraded to teach children up to 19 years old when they complete their education at the end of grade 12. Children attend village community schools like Malimba until they are 11 or 14 years old and big enough to walk to Ntambo. At present there are 860 children at this school. Again in** Friends of Monze has been able to step in and complete the classrooms started by the PTA and provide desks, books and bookcases to be educated in comfort.
The first thing we did at the site of this school was to drill a borehole , providing much needed clean water. Now we are fundraising to raise funds for a solar powered pump to increase the water supply for the established fenced garden.
In common with nearly all the schools we are involved with we have raised funds for Human Rights training to traditional leaders, the community and school children to access justice for women and girls,