Luumba Moonya School building 2021
The community held a "Handover Ceremony" when Deana visited in 2022. The District Commissioner, The Department of Education, Chief Ufanuka and Deana took turns cutting ribbons to open the 5 classrooms, teacher's house and toilets
Luumba Moonya Community School is in a rural area, it was started by the community in 2006 and teaches 456 children and is the 10th school where we have built classrooms. Although the community had built the walls for 2 classrooms and a teachers house, they could not raise the money to put roofs on. Thanks to a generous donor, Friends of Monze was able to complete the buildings providing 2 nice classrooms and a home for a qualified teacher who moved in immediately providing security on the site. New pit latrines have been built too.
The community had also dug the foundations and prepared "up front materials" that is sand, crushed stones and bricks for 3 more classrooms. Our partners recommended we help such a hard working self-help community and complete these 3 classrooms. Again we trained 10 young people from the Lumba Moonya area to learn building skills both theoretical and practical. Look out for their yellow hats in the photos!
Again we have funding for gardening training but need to fence the garden first.